County Seat Newspaper
of Clare County

Biblical Citizenship in Modern America class

Posted by carolgepford

Join your local Constitution Coaches and others from your community as we watch, study and discuss this powerful video series with Rick Green and David Barton. Great for anyone age 13 to 110! Each video runs approximately 1.5 hrs. We will have discussion and lunch(Bring your own sack lunch)once the video finishes.
Know your rights! Gain more Constitutional Knowledge!
Learn Tangible Action Steps for Preserving Liberty!
Learn the Biblical, Historical and Constitutional Foundation of Freedom!
Entertaining! Inspiring! Educational!
When you register at:

Hope to see you there!

Event Dates
Tuesday from Tuesday, September 17, 2024 through Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Event time
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost / donation
free/optional workbook $20
Carol Gepford,
om, (989)329-0120


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